“Suzy helped me feel good in my skin again.”
My colouring has changed now I'm in my 40s. As an artist I experiment and explore new styles, colours and textures. Yet, I was feeling flat because my favourite clothes weren’t achieving the look I was after. Getting dressed felt problematic and less enjoyable. With all the new exciting work opportunities as a freelancer and artist I wanted to build on that energy and authenticity in the way I show up.
I was worried Suzy was going to tell me I couldn't wear black any more, especially as it has been a staple.
With the combo of art and science in Suzy's method I have found a new appreciation for the colours in my hair, skin and eyes. She shared a variety of options based on a whole palette of colours, with similar qualities, which gave me even more scope. This means I can play with shading amazing hair or makeup colours that light me up.
Suzy made me feel at ease with her gentle humour and kindness. She is insightful and intuitive and gave me much food for thought about how I wanted to show up in my life, emotionally and visually.
Since our sessions, I’ve contemplated and implemented Suzy’s recommendations. As well as being inspired to explore new style options, the compliments from family, friends and strangers has been a lovely confirmation. I also enjoy being in this new skin, feel inspired, confident and will not allow age to be a barrier to looking and feeling fabulous.
In addition, Suzy’s wholistic approach helped me find new words and a pricing structure for my business that align with my current vibe. Suzy provides that extra uplift and gentle but firm nudge in the right direction - that we all know we could do for ourselves but there are so many personal and social barriers holding us back.
Oh, and I can still wear black but I know how to buffer it with my best colours and textures so it doesn't wash me out.
Thank you Suzy!
— Nicole Harstead | Feldenkrais practitioner and teacher
“I found my voice in my business – now I can write from the heart.”
Suzy worked with me in two ways: helping me to find the words for my business and getting out of a style rut.
I was struggling to write articles and e-newsletters for clients – they kept coming out sounding preachy or like marketing material. Suzy took time to understand what I do and how I do it, then gave me clear, honest guidance. She helped me tune in to my voice so I can get my ideas out and sound like myself.
With regard to my style, I confess I’m a lazy dresser. When I met Suzy I was in a rut, wearing all black as a uniform – I felt bored, resigned and it was utilitarian. I felt like my real personality wasn’t being expressed. I’m a teacher and trainer and I love showing up with energy and enthusiasm to put people at ease and help them feel motivated.
I’m still a lazy dresser, only now I’ve got a small wardrobe of clothes in colours that suit me, and everything goes together. It’s got the convenience of a uniform, in that I don’t need to make lots of decisions and I can get dressed quickly and look put-together.
Shopping is so efficient now, on the rare occasions I do it – I can walk in, look around, if there’s nothing in my best colours I’ll walk out. It’s not hit-and-miss any more because Suzy’s given me some solid guidelines.
People respond to me so warmly when I’m dressed in ‘my’ colours. I’ve never had so many compliments in my life. People say, ‘That dress suits you,’ or ‘You look lovely today,’ or ‘Wow, your eyes look great in that colour.’
— Jane Melross | Communications business owner
“I feel empowered knowing my best colours – it's transformed the way I dress."
After working with Suzy I’ve completely changed the colour and shape of the contents of my wardrobe. It’s now compact and organised and I enjoy getting dressed.
Suzy helped me see what colours work best on me – some that are now my favourites were a complete surprise. I feel much more empowered choosing my clothes now (and I wear a lot less black!).
Suzy’s been a great source of ideas and inspiration – she knows my style and is always happy to provide advice and encouragement.
— Gwen Pinnington | CEO and coach
“Your approach, support and artistic wisdom has helped me dress as the best version of myself."
As an entrepreneur and mum in my 40s, I have been exploring simple ways to look and feel great as I manage my busy life. The colour analysis experience with Suzy was eye-opening and fun! I learned so much during our session, in the follow-ups and in my practical application afterwards.
As a businesswoman, I need to look both approachable and professional, and I now understand what to wear to bring out the best version of myself and draw attention in an intentional way. I wanted it to be easy to get dressed and to go shopping, and am actually enjoying 'playing' with my signature colours and finding easy ways to feel great. As a bonus, I can apply what I learned to use my best colours in my marketing materials and headshots for my business.
Thank you, Suzy! I love your approach, support and artistic wisdom. You’ve really helped this busy working mum to look and feel great and enjoy clothing more than ever before.
— Mikala Grossë | Tech-savvy business coach
“My words work so much better. And so does my wardrobe. (However, I still hate shopping!)"
Suzy helped me find the right words for my website – I'll easily write a three-page email if asked my thoughts, but describing what I do in short, effective sentences is painfully akin to giving birth ...
While I’m comfortable speaking in front of people, I've always struggled with finding comfortable clothes that reflect who and where I’m in my professional life. I've oscillated between not wanting to care about my appearance (because it feels too hard) to caring too much because I do know that the way I present myself makes a difference.
I’m delighted to say that after a few sessions with Suzy, a wardrobe clean-out, my own set of ‘best colours’ that make me look good with or without makeup (my preference is ‘without’) and guidance with online shopping, because I refuse on principle when someone mentions going to a brick-and-mortar shop, I now have a small mix-and-match wardrobe of pieces I actually enjoy wearing.
If you’re looking for some no-nonsense advice and guidance on how to find the right words and look to help you confidently step up your business or professional profile, Suzy’s the right person for the job.
— Nicole Alley | Digital communications and marketing officer
“I feel confident when I step out in something I know really suits me."
Before I did my colours with Suzy, my wardrobe was a mish mash of colours and I had a lot of one-off items that didn’t go with much else. Suzy explained how some of my super bright clothes were overshadowing me.
I was worried I’d have to give up wearing my favourite colours. But no, Suzy’s colour analysis showed that I can still wear colours I love, just in different tones that suit me better. My new colour palette complements my skin tone and allows my face and features to shine – which means I stand out and am seen more too. I see a dramatic difference when I look at old photos versus the new outfits I wear.
I didn’t have to throw out all my clothes and start again – I kept the clothes that suited me and gradually replaced items with things in my new palette. When I do shop for something new, it’s easier because I know immediately what will suit me.
My wardrobe is now more coordinated and I can quickly mix and match – no more more staring at my clothes trying to decide what to wear. I feel like I can express myself better with my clothing choices and I feel confident when I step out in something I know really suits me.
Suzy made the process feel fun. She clearly has a passion for helping bring out the best in people.