Photo of Suzy Cooper

Connect with me at these upcoming events

personal style and communication.

I’m here to help you find your look and your voice, so you’re seen and heard.

Amplify your personal power by evolving your style and adding some polish.

Develop a clear, memorable writing and speaking style.

Feel vibrant and confident and inject your own brand of awesomeness into all the ways you communicate.

I’m here for you if you’re a thinker who wants practical, no-fluff help and encouragement to:

  • amp-up your personal style/image – show up as the most vibrant, confident version of yourself with easy, yet effective grooming, makeup (optional), colours and outfits.

  • discover your writing voice – find the right words for your newsletter, web content, bio, client proposals – or learn how to write a book on a topic you want to share.

  • speak confidently – develop a comfortable way to write and deliver persuasive speeches or presentations.

personal style services.

Communication is about more than just the words you write or speak. The person is also the message.

Get my practical and positive guidance to uplevel your presence so your appearance reflects the person you are on the inside.

We can work together to do things like:

  • identify your ‘power’ colours that’ll make with your natural colouring shine

    • use your colours for your clothes, makeup, hair colour, accessories and personal branding

  • update your makeup, hair colour and hair style

  • edit your wardrobe to make outfits you love from what you already own

  • find garment styles and fabrics that suit your life and your body.

How will we work together?

  • a getting-to-know-you call – you can book this free right now

  • if you live in Hobart, Tasmania – intensive sessions together plus a series of video calls

  • if we’re working remotely – a series of intensive one-hour video calls

  • personal support via emails and texts

  • information and recommendations on a shared private mood board

  • check-ins between our calls.

Pricing is based on the time we spend together. Packages start from AUD$1875 (plus GST).

Person writing in notebook

discover your writing voice.

It’s time your writing voice sounded like you. If you want to write for fun or work these sessions will give you the skills you need.

In our video sessions I’ll help you find your best writing method, borrowing from ideas found in technical or scientific writing, interviews, profiles, articles, marketing copy or comedy.

  • Find your voice so people who read your work feel like they’re getting to know you.

  • Get over your blocks.

  • Feel happier with what you write.

  • Figure out how to generate ideas, in a way that suits your style of working.

  • Speed up your writing process with expert editorial advice, tips and tricks.

  • Make progress on a current project while learning – I review your work between sessions and we work collaboratively online using simple software.

  • Enjoy ‘a-ha’ moments as I show you how to tame your technology, get clear guidance when someone gives you a writing task, start quickly, pull information together from multiple sources without drowning in it, and control the kind of feedback you receive.

I tailor these sessions to suit you.

Suzy Cooper and Katrina Schlunke in conversation

speak confidently.

Learn to speak in public without stressing out.

I’ll help you prepare for, rehearse and deliver speeches that look and sound natural. We can also work out what you can wear, if that’s also worrying you.

After years of doing stand-up comedy, presenting to groups, facilitating and training, I’ve developed effective strategies to calm (or accept) nerves and deal with any hiccups.

  • Choose a topic and organise your ideas.

  • Work out how to make your points memorable.

  • Learn how to memorise your talk and build-in fall-back strategies.

  • Get tips on how to use a microphone.

  • Find comfortable ways to stand on stage and move around.

  • Avoid being dazzled by spotlights (and other common challenges of being on stage).

  • Make a list of things to ask of the people responsible for the venue where you’re going to speak …

These coaching sessions are tailored to suit you.


  • Laura Purcell is a blonde woman with a big smile, wearing pink hoop earrings and a fawn-coloured fur coat.

    “Suzy helped me feel good in my skin again.”

    Laura Purcell | artist | photographer

  • Nicole Harstead is a white woman with light brown hair, wearing a blue top and working on a Feldenkraiis client who is lying down.

    “Suzy helped me find my voice in my business – now I can write from the heart.”

    Nicole Harstead | Feldenkrais practitioner and teacher

  • Mikala Grossë is a white woman with short brown hair. She is smiling and looking mischievously over her dark-framed glasses.

    “My words work so much better. And so does my wardrobe. (However, I still hate shopping!)"

    Mikala Grossë | Tech-savvy business coach